Monday, September 6, 2010

The True Vine

John 15:1-16

When we are baptized, we take upon us the name of Christ.  I've thought about what it means to be a true Christian.  I like this scripture, because it makes it very clear.  He is the vine; we are the branches.  If I'm a Christian, then my actions will testify of Him.  If I'm not, then my actions will lead people away from Him.

Am I honoring His name?  Do I love the way He did?  Am I kind, am I honest, am I forgiving?  Do I serve my fellow man with love in my heart?  Starting with those here in my home?  Extending it to friends and neighbors, and then beyond to strangers, like that guy who didn't have his blinker on and almost caused an accident?

I like the scripture where He calls me His friend.  I want to be worthy to be called His friend, because He is certainly my dearest friend.  And I love this:  "13 Greater  love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."  He has already proven His friendship to me.  How can I prove my friendship to others?  By laying down my life, or rather, laying aside my life, one small act of kindness, one small act of service at a time.

It's hard to see beyond the demands of my own life: my health, my husband, my kids, finances, activities, cleaning up.  But I'm always blessed when I step back and notice others and do what I can to reach out to them.  That's something I can work on. 


  1. I love the part where you say we should lay aside our lives for others...that really struck a chord with me. Thanks.

  2. Valerie, thanks for coming to visit, and welcome! That was an insight into an area where I feel I can do better. I'm glad it struck a chord with you, too. :)
